getting Swift Flight Form

getting Swift Flight Form
Start Fighting Anzu in setheek halls


Anzu is dead mission completed


Me, the great Valkyria and our Shinibana party

tisdag 27 november 2007


Choose the right talents are really importent. Whats the purpose? Healing, dps or tanking? Are you playing Pve, PVP or Arena? Are you doing raidinstances? 5 or 10 or 25 people?

A lot of things to think about. I thinking of changing talents. At the moment I am 1/8/52, but I don´t use the point I´ve spent in resto for healing touch. I will decrease my resto talents to 41-43 and use the rest in feral or balance.

I thinking of try the Arena some people in the guild have asked me to join them, restodruids are pretty good in Arena I think. But I think I will have some problems in the beginning because I miss arena expirience. I choose between 8/11/42, 0/20/41 or 1/17/43. I want to keep my tree form for Pve instances and I prefer using cat for soloing, because I like it better than caster and I got really a lot better dps meal gear than dps casting gear. To put some point in balance would be only for doing better at Arena with Nature's grasp.

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